There are a variety of factors that play a role in unhealthy weight. This makes it a complex health issue to address. Behavior, environmental and genetic factors all influence weight. At this time, behavior and environmental factors are the most promising areas for prevention and treatment actions.
Healthiest Weight Florida employs five strategies to address behavior and environmental change. These strategies, described below, closely align with national expert organization recommendations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Institute of Medicine.
Regular physical activity can produce long term health benefits. People of all ages, shapes, sizes, and abilities can benefit from being physically active. The more physical activity you do, the greater the health benefits. Being physically active can help:
A number of factors determine what people eat, but access to healthy food and beverages has a major influence. Finding healthy food is not always convenient. Studies have found that people buy food that is readily available. And today, it is often the case that communities with the highest rates of obesity also are places where residents have few opportunities to conveniently purchase nutritious, affordable food.
Sticking to a healthy lifestyle while at work can be difficult. Now that many people are spending most of their day sitting at a desk or inside an office, implementing health programs inside the workplace has become a vital piece of the healthy lifestyle puzzle. Effective workplace programs, policies, and environments that are health-focused and worker-centered have the potential to significantly benefit employers, employees, their families, and communities.
Schools are uniquely positioned to be a national focal point for healthy weight promotion because children spend up to half of their waking hours in school and consume between one-third and one-half of their daily calories in the school setting.
When the messages around us focus on health, it becomes easier to think about making healthy choices. Healthiest Weight Florida seeks to make useful health information and advice available through campaigns, social media, and other resources.